Read to Lead ASEAN conference footage & LCD monitors Various dimension 2020

Read to Lead is a video installation work that is configured to reconstruct the opening speech of Ir. Soekarno during the opening ceremony of ASEAN conference in 1955. The video components were collected from news footage from various ASEAN countries about the ASEAN conference in different periods, then composed it based on the auditory phonetics and syllables to arrange the sound of Ir. Soekarno’s speech. The part of the speech that consists of this work questions and represented the situation of ASEAN countries' independence from colonialism.

We are living in the world of fear We are often told that colonialism is dead I say to you that colonialism is not yet dead We are not seeking advantage for their own country What can we do? We can do much!

The movement of the video footage in this work applies the way our eyes read the text to how we listen into sound. Reading becomes an asset to lead our nation by knowing the situation of this nation. This work was installed inside the Merdeka Building, the place where ASEAN conferences is always held.